10 Surprising Facts About Coffee You Never Knew

coffee facts

10 Surprising Facts About Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Not only does it taste and smell good, but it’s also a major source of comfort and productivity for people around the world. But for all its global popularity, there are still a lot of things about coffee that some people just don’t know.

Here are 10 surprising facts about coffee that will help you become an expert in all things coffee:

1. Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia around 800 A.D.

kopi coffee beans

Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia around 800 A.D. where the beans were eaten whole and raw. And there are several stories surrounding the origin of this delightful beverage–all of which include goats. One story tells of an Ethiopian shepherd who discovered his goats eating berries off a bush and dancing around after they’d digested them; another tells of an Ethiopian monk who drank it because he thought the berries were poisonous, but then kept drinking it because he stayed awake for prayer all night. By the 1500s, it had made its way to Europe, where people started roasting the beans, grinding, and drinking them instead of eating them raw.

2. Coffee beans are technically seeds

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Coffee beans are technically seeds. The beans people grind up and use to brew their favorite hot beverage are actually seeds from coffee berries, also called coffee cherries. When the bean is dark brown, the coffee berries are ripe. The fleshy pulp surrounding the bean is edible–and actually fairly delicious! It’s similar in taste to a tomato or even a cranberry, but with a more tart flavor profile than both. You can eat it on its own or brew it into a tea (it’s actually quite good)!

3. Coffee drinkers tend to live longer

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A study by the New England Journal of Medicine found that women who drank six cups of black coffee per day were 10% less likely to die from any cause within a 20-year period than those who drank none. Women who drank two to three cups had a 13% reduced risk of death from any cause during that same time frame. Talk about the energizing power of java!

4. There are two main types of coffee: Arabica and Robusta

roasted coffee beans and ground coffee 2021 09 03 10 22 23 utc2
Roasted coffee beans and ground coffee. On rustic background.

Arabica coffee is considered the “higher quality” coffee because it is more flavorful, with a sweeter, cleaner taste and less caffeine than Robusta coffee. Robusta beans have less flavor and a grainier taste. However, Arabica beans are much more difficult to cultivate and harvest, so many farmers stick to growing Robusta instead. This discrepancy in quality actually affects how much coffee farmers can make per year, which is an interesting fact about coffee that few people know.

5. Brazil grows the most coffee in the world

Brazil produces one-third of the coffee grown globally–this amounts to twice as much as Vietnam, which is the second-biggest producer of coffee in the world. The global market for coffee depends heavily on Brazil’s production. If Brazil had a bad growing season or crop disease struck their plants, it would affect global prices far more than they would for other countries’ growing seasons or crops.

6. Coffee grounds can beautify your skin

coffeebean hero espresso

Coffee grounds are loaded with antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals that cause damage to the skin. Using coffee grounds in a body scrub can help exfoliate dead skin cells, lighten scars, promote circulation, and improve the elasticity of your skin, giving your skin a fresh glow.

7. Only two U.S. states produce coffee

Coffee is grown in over 70 countries across the globe, but only two states within the U.S. grow their own: Hawaii and California. Coffee production in Hawaii started in the late 18th century, and on average, the state produces about 3 million pounds of coffee beans per year. In California, growers produce mostly Arabica coffee beans on small family farms primarily around Los Angeles County’s San Gabriel Valley.

8. The average American drinks 3 cups per day

With so many ways to make coffee and so many types of beans available, Americans are seemingly never lacking for options when it comes to how they get their daily fix! According to the National Coffee Data Trends (NCDT) report, the average American consumes just over 3 cups of coffee each day.

9. Coffee has many uses

There are many ways to use coffee, and not all of them involve drinking it. For example, coffee can be used as an air freshener (coffee grounds can be placed in the fridge to absorb odors), or even as a stain remover (the caffeine actually helps get rid of stains).

10. There are several health benefits associated with drinking coffee


Drinking coffee regularly has been found to lower risks for some types of cancers, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Parkinson’s disease (according to the British Medical Journal’s 2017 review on coffee consumption and human health). Drinking coffee regularly may also result in improved alertness, enhanced athletic performance, and better cognitive function (including memory) – all reasons you should drink your favorite cup.


Coffee is a warm, delicious, energy-boosting drink that many people can’t get enough of. And although it is often thought of as a simple drink, there clearly is a lot more to this humble beverage than meets the eye.
